A Director Directs


Here are some of the photos I promised you quite a while ago now. I have focussed this post on pics of me since the audience very rarely gets to watch the director at work. All these photos were taken during rehearsal by Chris Hopkins. I was pleasantly surprised how happy everyone looked.

Maternal Instincts.
(Neal Barber, Ellie Swann, and Laniet Swann.)
Our baby fell apart and Ellie - after taking ages to fix it again - was demonstrating how instinctual it is to hold a child after she realised she was doing it when Channel 9 were interviewing me.

Everyone's Crazy Except Me!
(Neal Barber, Paul Ellicott, and Barbara Walsh)
This was the order of the day during rehearsal - trying to give people notes whilst the rest of the cast were running around like headless chickens.

At Last!
(Neal Barber.)
I finally had the stage to myself. Afterall, it is about "me, me, me, and a little bit of me...with a side-serving of me...and a garnish of mmmmmeeeeeee!"

Look at The Passion.
(Neal Barber, Paul Ellicott, Laniet Swann, and Barbara Walsh.)
I must have been rather tense here - look at my fist! Or perhaps I was just trying to get Paul's attention which was, clearly, distracted by Laniet.

Solid in the Midst of Creation.
(Simon Ashby, Neal Barber, Wyeth Chalmers, Paul Ellicott, Ellie Swann, Laniet Swann, and Barbara Walsh.)
I just had to put this photo in. It is fantastic with Paul so solid - and in focus - in the centre with everyone else in a blurr of movement around him.

(Simon Ashby, Neal Barber, Wyeth Chalmers, Paul Ellicott, Michaela Hunter, Ellie Swann, Laniet Swann, and Barbara Walsh.)
I just love this one for the pure manicness of it!


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