Publicity, Lights, Rehearse!


I have just got back from Allen Hall after picking up some lights which we need for the show. It is fantastic that Marty - AHT Tech-guy - is so willing to help out since AHT has fixtures which we are just not able to buy!

We had the press in rehearsal today. A photographer came to take some pics for the
ODT - which will, hopefully, run on Thursday. Then it was Channel 9's turn to get some video of the actors rehearsing and some footage of the empty theatre - even filmed there is something special about an empty theatre. Last up it was The Star who wanted to interview myself and the cast and take some more pics. It is always good when the press comes as it makes the production more real. Now, we just hope that we can entice you to bear witness to the fruits of our labour in droves. To this end, we have another rehearsals this evening to iron out a few kinks in some of the scenes that have been plaguing me.


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